In Our Little Town…Discrimination

My town has wonderful open-minded people and great schools. It’s, a lovely community. So, the fact that young, African-American woman, had to bring a lawsuit against a local restaurant for employment discrimination, tells you that racial discrimination can rear its ugly head anywhere.

Abby, who is African-American, and Becca, who is white, are friends. This took place when they were seniors in high school. Becca was leaving her position at the Japanese restaurant where she worked as the Greeter. She had promised her manager she would bring someone in to replace her. When she introduced Abby to her manager, he said he could not use her because she was black. Abby filed suit for race discrimination, represented by Employment Law Firm PC.

17-small-page-1-thumb-525x726-55068-e1473176193892Page-2-thumb-149x202-27289At the same time she filed suit, the she organized a protest in front of the restaurant, which was reported in the press. Some of the signs carried by the protesters called for a boycott.

As reported by another local newspaper, business dropped 60%, and the restaurant soon settled. In the settlement the restaurant agreed proactively seek to hire persons of color, and consented to a court order prohibiting it from discriminating in the future. It also paid the victim $25,000, which she was able to use towards her college tuition.

Seventeen magazine did a very sweet story about the case.

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