
Marty Cook of Patriot Contractors Posted Offensive Racial Material on his Facebook page

Martin “Marty” Cook, is and was the Managing Member of Patriot Contractors, during the time two of its employees allege in their EEOC Charges (the following allegations are taken from their Charges), that they were subjected to racial harassment, anti-gay harassment, and retaliation.

Cook should lead by example. Yet even after the two employees filed EEOC Charges describing the racist abuse, Marty Cook, of Patriot Contractors, displayed a racially offensive video on his public Facebook page, as of the date of this blog. The video “jokes” about Black people all looking alike and Black people’s skin looking “ashy”, and presents African-Americans in a negative way.

Cook’s employees at Patriot Contracting may have access to his public Facebook page.

Although they complained to management about use of the N-word by their supervisor, management failed to stop the harassment. Instead, it retaliated against both.

It transferred one of them, a cancer survivor, to doing work that it knew he could not do safely, and was painful, because of the effects of his cancer.

When an owner of Patriot openly posts racial content online it raises questions about how suited he is to maintaining a work environment free of racially offensive speech. You can check what Cook has now on his public Facebook page here.

If you have information about racism at Patriot please feel free to email us at, fill out a Contact Form on our website, or text us at 914-425-5834

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